lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

Video review

Hello everybody!!

Today this entry is sad. I have to say goodbye to the subject of ICT of the masters, but I will not say goodbye to ICTs in fact, I will keep on using them and discovering new ones.

I have created a video, it talks about each and one of the posts I have uploaded in this blog, my Twitter account, the Pinterest one too!

I have created it using Windows Movie Maker. It is a tool I used for the first time when I did the video of the penguins and the polar bear, that you can check here! It is very easy to use and it allows you to put different songs, add features to the video like narration, etc.

As the video is a review of this blog, I recommend that you watch it so you can understand what this blog is about and what each entry means, following the instruction we were given.

Here it is I hope that you like it and enjoy it!
See you soon!!

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Video review

Hello everybody!! Today this entry is sad. I have to say goodbye to the subject of ICT of the masters, but I will not say goodbye to ICTs ...