miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

Flipgrid Video

Hello everybody!

Today Im going to talk to you about FlipGrid, it is an online network, where people that take part in education, share videos telling different stories.

In my case, I talked about how I am dealing with confinement. I am living with my dad in Asturias while my mom is in another city because she is a nurse and she could put us un danger in case she had the virus, which she does not have.

I will leave the video here for you to watch.

I hope you enjoy it!! Stay safe!

Licencia de Creative Commons
Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional.

Video review

Hello everybody!! Today this entry is sad. I have to say goodbye to the subject of ICT of the masters, but I will not say goodbye to ICTs ...